Tuition Options
CCS students have 2 main options for enrollment: the Silver program and the Gold program. Each program has a base price with the option to add on additional courses or dual enroll.
4-6th | $4500 |
7th-12th | $4000 |
$100 Application Fee*
$500 Registration Fee
This secures your child a spot at CCS and includes the curriculum, FACTS, RenWeb, supplemental curriculums and required school supplies.
5% Sibling Discount
Monthly Payment Options
Financial Assistance
Grant & Aid Assessment
Tuition Assistance for the upcoming school year is no longer available. However, as circumstances change, assistance might be available in the future. Please visit FACTS to fill out the application.
The Homeschool Foundation
The Homeschool Foundation (HSF) helps families homeschool through hard times and promotes homeschooling in the U.S. and around the world. They do so by providing grants to homeschooling families to help them overcome the financial hurdles of purchasing school books and resources.